Blepharoplasty Reviews

Expressive eyes fade with age and decrease due to overhanging eyelids, wrinkles and skin folds are treacherously emphasize our age. These aesthetic defects of the eyelids help to eliminate blepharoplasty – the most popular branch of plastic surgery.

Before deciding on an operation, you should carefully study the procedure, learn about contraindications, read reviews and opinions about surgeons. The procedure is indicated, when the eyelids are overhanging (age or pathological), bags under the eyes, lowering of the outer corners. At the request of the patient, the eye shape is corrected operatively (for example, the eastern one is replaced by the European one).

In addition, blepharoplasty can eliminate the protrusion of fatty tissue on the eyelids (“fat bags”). Non-surgical blepharoplasty is also performed.

Survey and contraindications.

The operation involves manipulation in the area of the orbital eye tissue, therefore consultation of the oculist is necessary. Glasses and contact lenses (if any) should be sure to see a doctor. A general examination will help to identify diseases in which blepharoplasty is contraindicated:

– arterial or intraocular hypertension;
– glaucoma and retinal detachment;
– thyroid dysfunction;
– dry eye syndrome;
– cardiovascular diseases;
– diabetes;
– malignant tumors;
– decreased or increased coagulability of blood;
– severe diseases of internal organs.

Cosmetic Surgery To Remove Excess Skin Or Fat From The Eyelids

The operation is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia for 1.5 to 3 hours. The duration of the intervention depends on its volume (1 eyelid or all 4 operated) and combinations with other plastic procedures. In this case, the surgeon does not affect the eyeball, so that vision does not suffer during the operation.

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids.

The incisions of the eyelids are done where there are natural folds of the skin, so that the postoperative suture is not noticeable. The doctor cuts out the fatty hernia, fixes the muscles of the eyelids and the tear glands (if necessary). At the end of the operation, the surgeon removes excess skin, “polishes” the rest of the eyelid, the seams are superimposed on the incision.

Lower blepharoplasty.

Asian Blepharoplasty Reviews

Sectional lines are usually under the eyelashes, along the contour of the cosmetic liner. The surgeon make an incision and separating the layers of skin, fat and muscle, and removes excess fat. If necessary, stretched skin and muscles excise. Then the seams are applied.

The operation is often performed by the transconjunctive method to younger patients without excess skin. Through the conjunctiva, on the inner side of the eyelid, a puncture or mini-incision is made to remove fat.

This option does not leave scarring, shortens the recovery period, does not disrupt facial expressions and does not affect the shape of the eyes.

Reviews about blepharoplasty

Eyelid Surgery Can Be Done Under Local Anaesthetic With Sedation Or Under General Anaesthetic

After reading the reviews, I wanted to remove the bags below and hanging folds above my eyes. Having learned how much there is a circular blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, I decided to do everything at once, since the two operations separately are more expensive. As a whole, I am happy with the result, although it was formed only after 5 months. Almost all this period I went through dark glasses. Cosmetics I do not use until now.“, – Isabella

I had fatty hernias under my eyes and little bags on top. The surgeon listened attentively to me and said that the optimal for me is transconjunctival blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids and the usual surgery of the upper eyelids.

The operation was complex. The chronicle of healing is as follows: swelling and bruising disappeared after 7 days, redness – a week later, and a month later I saw the final result, which is very happy. “, – Abigail

Improve Hooded Or Droopy Eyelids Or Eye Bags

The condition of the lower eyelids just made me dejected: hernia, hanging skin, bruises – and all this at 28 years old! Blepharoplasty frightened me, especially possible complications, and it is not for men. But the surgeon persuaded me, and I decided to trust him – especially since he had performed ophthalmic operations before, knows the structure of the eye and has good reviews. As a result, everything went smoothly, after 10 days I went to work with residual bruises, but a week later there was not a trace left of them. “, – Nora

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids was not without complications – there were complications in the form of conjunctivitis.” After the operation, the seams were strongly stretched, besides they were of different lengths. But then the scars gradually resolved (a month and a half later). There was a dryness in the eyes, I constantly rubbed them – there were excretions: it turned out that conjunctivitis. Now everything is over, and 5 months after the operation, I already like myself. “, – Emily

Male Blepharoplasty Reviews

Eyelid surgery has become a necessity for me in ’34 years old: I have the structure of the lower eyelid is that there are bags during a smile, adding ten years. A month after the operation, I hid from all of them, and then went out to be a beautiful woman. After the stitches, however, there were light stripes (as a liner). After 4 years, everything remained in place: it did not crawl and did not stretch, so I was not in vain tormented. “, – Charlotte

Despite the most opposite responses, I decided that only blepharoplasty would return the former beauty to my eyes. It turned out that transconjunctival blepharoplasty is no longer performed at my age, I had to do classical blepharoplasty. It was a terrible feeling when administered anesthesia, after surgery it hurt to blink. In addition, because of the hematoma had to do a correction. But even after that, there was a dark swelling.“, – Harper

Upper Blepharoplasty Reviews

I have an Asian eyelid and a genetic predisposition to early aging (edema on the eyelids). When I read the reviews, I chose laser blepharoplasty to change the shape of the eyes. The operation was carried out a month and a half ago, it lasted only half an hour. The recovery period has already ended, now there are hardly noticeable lines in the folds of the upper eyelids. There are no health problems, except that the sensitivity under the incisions has not yet recovered. “, – Layla

Results of eyelid surgery. Pros and cons of the operation.

Preliminarily assess how successful the operation was, not earlier than 1.5-2 months. During this time, the tissues again become flexible, scars dissolve, swelling and bruising disappear. The final result of the operation (this is confirmed by almost all the reviews) is visible 3 to 6 weeks after the end of scar formation and disappearance of postoperative edema.


Photo Of Surgery On The Upper Eyelids

The advantage of traditional blepharoplasty is the duration of the effect, which is 7 to 12 years, and sometimes longer.

This is due to a cardinal solution of the problems: muscle correction, removal of hernias, removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fat.

The price of non-surgical methods is lower, but the patients’ testimonies indicate that their results last no longer than 4 years and require maintenance with the help of special procedures.


A Great Way To Improve The Appearance Of Many Men And Women Over The Age Of 40

Disadvantages of blepharoplasty are a number of operational risks (they will be discussed below), pain, prolonged recovery period, high price. Unsuccessfully conducted injection can be dissolved with the help of special enzymes, the operation has an irreversible effect.

Risk of complications

Reviews of unsuccessful blepharoplasty suggest that sometimes it is associated with the incompetence of the surgeon or with a violation of the technique of the procedure. Doctors say that to avoid most problems allows strict adherence to the rules of the post-operation period.

So, the characteristic negative consequences of the operation.

Bleeding. It occurs on the first day and at a later date. The doctor advises to stop taking certain medications before surgery to reduce bleeding.

Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Dramatically Improves The Appearance Of Tired, Droopy Eyes

Hematomas. Bruising is common after the operation – almost all reviews are reported about them. Dangerous is the internal bleeding: it shows an unpleasant sensation in the eye, an increase in bruising.

In this case, only the doctor will help, by performing a puncture of the accumulated blood or stopping the bleeding. Otherwise, seals or subcutaneous nodules may appear.

Ectropion is eversion of the lower eyelid, it is extremely rare. Sometimes it is caused by removal of excess skin portion and requires re-operation.

Reviews of complications after the blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids confirm the opinion of surgeons that prevention of eyelid eversion is special gymnastics and massage. These procedures tonify the skin of the eyelid and the circular muscle.

Drying of the eyes. It can be triggered by transconjunctival blepharoplasty or damage to the lacrimal gland. It is recommended to use moisturizing drops.

Remove Skin And To Add Or Remove Fat From The Eyelids

Doubling in the eyes (diplopia). It is noted when the oblique muscle of the eyeball is damaged during manipulations on the inner layers of the eyelid. Binocular vision is established in two weeks.

Formation of keloid scars. It occurs very rarely and is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. Scars are eliminated by hardware or medication, sometimes by surgery.

Review Of Blepharoplasty

Complications after blepharoplasty are quite rare. Most often, the results of the operation are positive – this is confirmed by the photo before and after blepharoplasty, positive patient feedback. The risk of side effects and repeated operations decreases with the right choice of plastic surgeon. The experience and competent approach of the surgeon combined with the responsible behavior of the patient is the key to a successful operation.

Recovery after eyelid surgery.

According to reviews, blepharoplasty requires a recovery period with an average duration of about a month. Often patients ask how to behave in order not to cause postoperative complications. Here are the recommendations of specialists.

You Can Combine Blepharoplasty With Alternative Treatments Such As Brow Lift

Immediately after surgery, the patient feels pain, eyelid heaviness, pain in the eyes. At this time, on the operation area is applied sterile dressings to be changed regularly. Puffiness is removed with the help of ice packs. Bruises and swelling go down in 2 – 3 weeks.

During the first three days, special eye drops should be dripped, recommended exercises should be carried out.

The sutures are usually removed on the 3rd-7th day of the operation. If self-absorbing seams were applied, they should not be removed. Scars after eyelid surgery are practically invisible, moreover, it is hidden in the folds of the eyelids.

The first 2 weeks are not recommended to wear contact lenses and make up. Do not strain your eyesight by watching TV and working at a computer, smoking and drinking alcohol – because of this, the wounds heal longer.

During the month, you should observe a gentle exercise regimen, do not take hot baths and showers because it raises blood pressure, provoking hemorrhages and new hematomas.