Blepharoplasty costs can vary greatly depending upon your location. The major centers like New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Beverly Hills will certainly cost more.
In our area of Jacksonville, Florida our fees are about 1800 for uppers and 2300 for lowers with a 750 anesthesia fee and our facility fee is 1000 dollars for a total of 5850.
It costs less to do the procedures under IV sedation or local anesthesia depending upon your individual needs. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Blepharoplasty pricing
Blepharoplasty pricing vary depending on geographic location and the cost structure of the surgeon. Expensive areas such as New York or Los Angeles or areas with fewer board certified plastic surgeons will have higher prices than South Florida.
We start our Upper Blepharoplasty procedure at $2000. Lower Blepharoplasty starts at $2000 + MD Anesthesia Related Expenses (if necessary). You should consult with surgeons who own his or her own nationally accredited surgery center for the highest standard of care and for cost containment. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
In New York City, the surgeon’s fee for upper blepharoplasty can vary from $2500 to $4000. The fee for lower blepharoplasty is slightly higher. The costs for the anesthesiologist and surgical facility can be additional unless the procedure is performed under local anesthesia in a surgeon’s office. Most surgeons offer a discount when both the upper and lower eyelids are treated at the same time. (Maurice M. Khosh, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Cost of Eyelid Surgery / Blepharoplasty
The price of eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can vary according to the region you live in and the extent of work involved. We create personalized surgical plans for patients and do not perform the same operation for all patients, because each person’s anatomy and desires varies.
The surgeon cost for upper lid blepharoplasty begins at $1500 and lower lid blepharoplasty at $2300. To learn more about the surgery visit our site below.
Patients can discuss whether they prefer local or general anesthesia and learn about the facility and anesthesia costs during their consultation. (Ankit Desai, MD, Englewood Oculoplastic Surgeon)
Blepharoplasty cost
The price for blepharoplasty will vary depending on location and surgeon. In the New York/ New jersey area the price could vary between $5000-$7000 for all four lids.
There may also be an additional cost for the operating room and anesthesiologist. It would be half that if one does just lowers or uppers. (David Freilich, MD)
Price of Blepharoplasty
Like anything else the cost varies based on the surgeon, the problem being treated, and the technique used to treat it. There is less variability with the upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, sometimes all that needs to be done is skin removal, sometimes just fat removal, other times, fat addition, and other times all three of those maneuvers.
The more complex the needs, and the more skilled the surgeon, the more expensive the procedure. Generally, the price is anywhere for $2500-4,000 for an upper or a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. (Amir M. Karam, MD)
Blepharoplasty cost varies
Eyelid surgery costs vary termendously depending on what is done. Furthermore, whenever we analyze a body area for repair we must look at the connecting parts. When it comes to the upper eyelid, we must look at the brow and forehead.
Upper lid surgery can address the forehead. When it comes to the lower lid, we must look at the cheeks and midface. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Blepharoplasty price varies
There is a wide variation of the costs of upper and lower eyelid surgery. The costs involved:
- Surgeons fee: doing upper and lowers will run more than doing uppers or lowers alone. Average around 4-4,500 for all four lids.
- Facility fee: again this varies, but you can expect that the operating room runs about 500-600 an hour.
- Anesthesia fee: also varies, but expect about 400-500 an hour.
Sometimes if you only get upper or lowers done alone, the procedure can be done under local, so the anesthesiologist fee would not apply. There is more variability in what surgeons do with lower lids than upper lids so be sure your surgeon explains what he or she does. Good Luck! (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)