Blepharoplasty Q&A
Blepharoplasty is plastic surgery of the eyelids, designed to improve the aesthetic appeal of periorbital area. By popularity blepharoplasty is considered the leading among the many plastic surgeries. During the year in the world made more than a million such surgeries. Stars and politicians consider mandatory to consult a surgeon to correct and symptoms of age around the eyes.
The indications to perform blepharoplasty, can be considered age-related changes, such as the overhang of the skin of the upper eyelids and the formation of bags under the eyes.
Blepharoplasty – the most safe and effective cosmetic surgery. With the use of modern approach, that consists in removing excess skin on the upper eyelids or removing / redistribution excess orbital fat of the lower eyelids through the mucosa and laser skin rejuvenation century, can achieve the best effect, and at the same time avoiding the traces after surgery.
The patient wants look younger and therefore turns to a plastic surgeon. Often a weary look, with overhanging upper eyelids or “bags” under the eyes, reveals age. Skin of eyelids is very thin and the slightest change of its tone, elasticity, condition, and volume of fatty tissue immediately becomes noticeable to others.
To solve this problem is offered a lot of options for action. As the most optimal and modern we can note the use of laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty with elements of microsurgery and laser rejuvenation of the skin of the lower eyelids.
Even in patients with pronounced excess skin during blepharoplasty can be dispensed with open incisions, ie completely avoid traces of surgical intervention. This method of performing surgery is popular among many professionals in the United States.
Traditional blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids pretty quickly losing popularity. Excision of skin is replaced by technique of endoscopic brow lift, by which straightened and smoothed the upper eyelids.
If this is not enough then performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty the laser skin rejuvenation, which tightens and strengthens the collagen fibers. Endoscopic access is located in the scalp.
Blepharoplasty frequently asked questions:
What is a blepharoplasty?
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery on the upper and (or) lower eyelids during which improves the appearance of the eyelids, and eliminates or reduces aging changes around the eyes.

Blepharoplasty Can Be Carried Out Under Local Anaesthesia Or Under General Anaesthesia In A Hospital
What are the indications for eyelid surgery?
The main indications for eyelid surgery are:
- old eyelids
- tired eyes (heavy eyelids)
- overhang of the upper eyelid skin
- bags under eyes
- excess skin of the lower eyelids
What age can you get blepharoplasty?
At 30 years and at 80 years, patients may be candidates for blepharoplasty. We all are getting old differently, and age-related changes may bother some people much earlier than others.
What can i expect after blepharoplasty?
With age, upper eyelid skin starts to move downwards and, with time, covers the upper part of the eye, limiting the field of vision upward and outward.
Protrusion of fat causes the formation of so-called fatty hernia or bags on the upper and lower eyelids. As a result of tissue ptosis of cheek become clearly visible lacrimal and eyelids-cheek furrows.
During blepharoplasty is removed excess skin, redistributed or removed fat protrusion and often cheek tissues is returned to its original location.
In most cases, blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the eye area, smoothes the contours of age, reduces the number of age-related symptoms in this area, but not always reduces the number of wrinkles around the eyes to the desired extent.How to prepare for eyelid surgery?
Before the surgery, the doctor prescribes tests to learn about the state of health of the patient, to find out if there are any contraindications for surgery.
- Any contraindications and restrictions for blepharoplasty must be known to your doctor. After surgery and hospital discharge, you must be accompanied by someone from the family or friends.
- After passing the tests, the doctor determines whether the operation is possible.
- Two weeks prior to blepharoplasty, the patient is not allowed to sunbathe in the sun and take alcoholic drinks.
- For two or three weeks before the date on which scheduled blepharoplasty surgery, you should stop using hormonal and psychotropic drugs.
- Also, stop taking vitamin E, estrogen, aspirin for ten days before surgery.
- It is necessary to stop losing weight, scheduled for this period.
- Do not plan the operation for the period of the menstrual cycle.
What anesthesia is used for blepharoplasty?
Most often, the upper blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. With the help of the finest needle, the surgeon injects painkillers to the lower and upper eyelid, and the patient feels a slight tingling in the eyelids.
However, you may need general anesthesia during the lower blepharoplasty.
How is eyelid surgery performed?There are several methods for blepharoplasty: external incision is used in upper blepharoplasty, which is hidden in the natural crease of eyelid, but blepharoplasty of lower eyelids is performed either through an external incision in ciliary zone with excision of excess skin and hernia under the eyes or transconjunctival through an internal incision in the mucosa of the lower eyelid.
Transconjunctival technique involves removing only hernias, therefore suitable for those who do not have a surplus of skin and deep wrinkles of lower eyelids.
How long does blepharoplasty last? Can i drive home after blepharoplasty?
Depending on the complexity of the surgery, blepharoplasty can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
It is desirable that someone took you home after blepharoplasty, or you will need to take a taxi since the first day after surgery, you may feel a little weakness, dizziness and unsteadiness in the legs. Physical exertion and body tilts can cause bleeding in the first few days after blepharoplasty, and it should be avoided.
Is there pain after eyelid surgery?
Usually there is no pain after blepharoplasty. But it is important not to strain physically and limit your activities during the first 48-72 hours after surgery. This reduces the discomfort associated with blepharoplasty and prevents complications.
The position of your head raised above heart level, on a pillow, also helps to reduce puffiness around the eyes immediately after blepharoplasty surgery.
When to return to work after eyelid surgery? How soon can i workout after blepharoplasty?
Within 4-5 days, most people can return to non-severe work. Usually by this time, the stitches are removed, and bruises and slight swellings remain around the eyes, which can be camouflaged with makeup. Fully visible bruising and swelling go away, usually within 2-3 weeks after surgery.
What will happen after blepharoplasty?
Bruising around the eyes after blepharoplasty usually occur in the lower eyelids, even if the surgery was performed only on the upper eyelids, and they completely disappear within 1-3 weeks.
Swelling usually go away a little bit faster. Within a week after the surgery, you may feel dry eyes, also may be the feeling of sand in the eyes. Since eyelid muscles are weak for several days after surgery, lids may be closed not completely during sleep.
It is important to implement all the recommendations of your surgeon, including the use of drops that were appointed by Dr. After blepharoplasty, eyes will be more open, and more dust particles from the air can get into them.The eyes will soon adjust to it, but you can speed this addictive, by blinking rapidly several times a day. You may experience some discomfort during the first week after surgery. This is a natural process, during which, the body directs part of its energy on healing. You can gently wash your hair the next day after blepharoplasty surgery.
In general, eyelid surgery is quite safe. If the patient strictly follows all recommendations of the surgeon who performed a blepharoplasty, the complications and risks are completely eliminated.
By following the instructions of the physician, the patient permanently gets rid of annoying swollen eyelids and bags under the eyes.When will the final result of the blepharoplasty? How long to see results from eyelid surgery?
The improvement can be observed immediately, but the final result can be seen in a few months after surgery.
Visible bruising and swelling will go away quickly, but a thickening of the tissues, especially around incisions, can be observed a few weeks and sometimes months until the complete disappearance.
On the area around the eyes, makeup can be applied not earlier than 5-7 days after blepharoplasty.
What are the complications of blepharoplasty?Possible serious complication manifests by severe pain eyes, this complication may occur only during the first 12-24 hours after surgery and may be associated with bleeding behind the eye, it is the so-called retrobulbar hematoma.
If this happens, you should immediately contact the doctor who operated you. If severe pain after eyes surgery continues long enough, and you do not take any actions, there is a possibility of visual loss.
The reason why such a complication can occur is the administration of drugs, such as aspirin or paracetamol, before the operation, which increases the tendency to bleeding. Complete rest and lack of physical exertion during the first 2-4 days after blepharoplasty are very important.
Smokers usually have a tendency to delays in healing and more pronounced bruising and swelling. The first time after surgery may be reduced the sensitivity of the eye, but it usually goes completely over time. Sterile equipment, antibiotics, and good blood supply of eyelids make it such way that the infection of this area is extremely rare.How long do blepharoplasty results last? When is eyelid revision surgery necessary?
Blepharoplasty improves the appearance of your face and reduces the number of age-related changes in around the eyes for a long time. Excellent results can persist for decades.
But you should remember that there is no way to stop or prevent aging, and if ever you want to repeat the operation, then it can be done.
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