California Center for Plastic Surgery Med SPA in Encino, California
Name: California Center for Plastic Surgery Med SPA
Display name: California Center for Plastic Surgery Med SPA
Mission: In a beautiful and comfortable setting in the suburbs of Los Angeles and close to Beverly Hills we make available a state-of-the-art Medical Spa along with the cosmetic surgery practice of Dr. Sean Younai.
Whether you are looking to enhance your appearance by non-surgical means, want to rejuvenate your skin, or are looking to take a dramatic step in enhancing your face or figure with plastic surgery, we can offer you the latest available treatments for beautifying your face, skin, and body.
Phone: (818) 386-1222
Address: 16055 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 100, Encino, California, USA, 91436
City: Encino
State: California
Country code: US
Postal code: 91436
Phone: (818) 386-1222
Neighborhood: Encino
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 34.1568426,-118.4831692
- AlloDerm
- Arm Lift
- Double Eyelid Surgery
- Asian Rhinoplasty
- Body Lift
- Botox
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Brazilian Butt Lift Revision
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Fat Transfer
- Breast Implant Removal
- Breast Implant Revision
- Breast Implants
- Breast Lift
- Breast Lift with Implants
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reduction
- Brow Lift
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Butt Augmentation
- Butt Implants
- Butt Lift
- Calf Implant
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Lift
- Chemical Peel
- Chin Filler
- Chin Implant
- Chin Liposuction
- Genioplasty
- CO2 Laser
- Collagen Injection
- Contour Thread Lift
- Deep Plane Facelift
- Dermabrasion
- Drainless Tummy Tuck
- Dysport
- Earlobe Repair
- Ear Surgery
- Eyelid Retraction Repair
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facelift
- Facelift Revision
- FaceTite
- Facial
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Facial Feminization Surgery
- Glycolic Peel
- Hand Reconstructive Surgery
- Hand Rejuvenation
- Dermal Fillers
- JuVaShape
- Juvederm
- Labiaplasty
- Laser Hair Removal
- Laser Liposuction
- Laser Peel
- Laser Resurfacing
- Latisse
- Lip Fillers
- Lip Implants
- Lip Lift
- Lip Reduction
- Lip Surgery
- Lipodissolve
- Lipoma Removal
- Liposculpture
- Liposonix
- Liposuction
- Liposuction Revision
- Lower Facelift
- Gynecomastia Surgery
- Male Tummy Tuck
- Mentor Breast Implants
- Mini Facelift
- Mini Tummy Tuck
- Mole Removal
- Mommy Makeover
- Monsplasty
- Neck Lift
- Nipple Surgery
- Nonsurgical Facelift
- Nonsurgical Nose Job
- P-Shot
- Panniculectomy
- Pec Implants
- Phenol Peel
- PRP for Hair Loss
- PRP Injections
- Pulsed Dye Laser
- QuickLift
- Radiesse
- Restylane
- Restylane Lyft
- Retin-A
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- SAFELipo
- Salicylic Peel
- Scar Removal
- Sclerotherapy
- Sculptra
- Septoplasty
- Sinus Surgery
- Skin Rejuvenation
- SlimLipo
- Smart Lipo
- SmartXide
- SMAS Facelift
- TCA Peel
- Thigh Lift
- Thread Lift
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
- Tummy Tuck Revision
- UltraShape
- Vaser Liposuction
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Nov 20, 2018
Profile modified: Jun 17, 2019
Business type: Practice
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Special Offers
Start Time / End Time
Start Time / End Time
Mentor Sponsored Offer
Sep 30, 2019 /
Dec 31, 2020
Sep 30, 2019 /
Dec 31, 2020
Book your treatment through RealSelf, send us your receipt within 6 months of the treatment date, and we’ll send you a $200 Amazon Gift Card within 5 business days.
Specific treatments

Sean Younai, MD, FACS
Name: Sean Younai, MD, FACS
Statement: Board Certified Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon who specializes in tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift and augmentation, arm tuck, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and facial plastic surgery.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1997
Rating: 4.4
Last updated on 12/03/2023