Cloud Med Spa – Beverly Hills

24 Year Old Miss Treated With PRP For Hair Loss With Doctor Cloud Med Spa – Beverly Hills

This is a wonderful treatment for those who have noticed thinning or recent hair loss, due to stress, postpartum, aging.

The PRP treatment for the scalp involves drawing blood from the patient’s arm (about 22 mL). The tube of blood is put in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the plasma.

The plasma rich in platelets is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles in the desired areas.

For the most part, there’s no risk associated with the PRP. There could be some discomfort, but numbing cream or ice can be used to minimize pain.

Early intervention gets a better result. For the best result, consistency is key. Treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three or four months, and then every three to six months thereafter, depending on the patient’s response and results.

(Oct 30, 2018)