Doctor Amiya Prasad, MD in New York, New York 10065

Doctor Amiya Prasad, MD, New York, New York (10065) Hair Loss In Male On Finasteride And Too Young For Hair Transplant – Non-surgical Treatment – Front Patient

A male with aggressive pattern hair loss was already taking finasteride, but it had no effect on his hair thinning. Finasteride works in about 60% of males in slowing down hair thinning, but it doesn't stop it. Many men, especially young men, refuse finasteride altogether because of the risk of sexual side effects. Despite early and aggressive hair loss, this young male gained significant hair growth and coverage after a single Hair Regeneration (PRP+extracellular matrix by ACell) treatment session to thicken hair and stop further hair loss, without surgery. This density and coverage would be impossible with multiple hair transplants, and at his age, he would lose hair faster than hair transplants could replace them. (Sep 6, 2019)