Doctor Chobanian Glendale, California 91203
Name: Susan L. Chobanian, MD
Last name: Chobanian
Gender: female
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1998
Years experience: 25
Primary Specialty: Otolaryngologist
Business: Susan L. Chobanian, MD
Address: 330 N. Brand Blvd.
Address suite: Ste. 190
Phone: (818) 452-2172
X (Twitter):
International phone number: +18184522172
City: Glendale
State: California
Zip Code: 91203
Country: US
Statement: Dr. Susan L. Chobanian has been practicing since 1982. Among the leading cosmetic and plastic surgeons she has been practicing for over 35 years in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Chobanian has established a leading reputation of honesty and trust that she has backed up by hard work and excellent patient care. Her Services include, Facial Fat Graft, Breast Lift, Rhinoplasty, Blephroplasty, Abdominoplasty, Breast Augmentation, Ultrasonic Liposuction, Revision Rhinoplasty. In addition to all surgical procedures Dr. Chobanian has multiple New and Leading Lasers in her office, starting With Laser Fat Removal, SculpSure. Our office also offers Laser treatments for wrinkles and skin resurfacing. Dark Spots, Sun Spots, Age Spots, Rosacea, Laser Genesis, Pico Genesis, Spider and Varicose Veins, and Tattoo Removal of all colors are treated with Lasers.
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- Glendale Memorial Hospital
- Medical: MD, Medical College of Wisconsin
Board Certification:
Susan L. Chobanian (ABMSUID -0250)
Viewed: 8/28/2008
Day of birth: 12/6/1953
Status: Alive
Certification: American Board of Otolaryngology
Otolaryngology – General
Status: Certified Active Lifetime Initial Certification
3/15/1983 –
Education: 1977 MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Location: 9201 W Sunset Blvd Ste 214Los Angeles, CA 9069-3703 (United States)
GPS coordinates on map: 34.1512088,-118.2540328
Primary location:
Location name: Glendale
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 34.165,-118.2320023
- BeautiFill
- Botox
- Brow Lift
- Cheek Augmentation
- Chemical Peel
- Chin Implant
- Deep Plane Facelift
- Dermal Fillers
- Ear Surgery
- Enlighten Laser
- Excel V
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facelift
- Facelift Revision
- Facial
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Juvederm
- Kybella
- Laser Genesis
- Lip Fillers
- Liposculpture
- Lower Facelift
- Pico Genesis
- Radiesse
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Scar Removal
- SculpSure
- Septoplasty
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Tattoo Removal
- TempSure Envi
- truBody
- truSculpt
- UltraShape
- VI Peel
- Voluma
- Xeomin
RealSelf Info
Rating: 4.5
Profile views: 7452
Answer count: 11
Review count: 8
1 star count: 1
5 star count: 7
Total star count: 8
Star rating: 3.2429505736199
Photo count last three months: 10
Photo and answer count last three months: 10
Lead count last three months: 5
Profile created: Dec 6, 2007
Profile modified: Aug 18, 2023
Profile photo modified: Aug 18, 2023
Profile promotion: Yes
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Performance
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Otolaryngologist
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 29, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Glendale, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 34.165,-118.2320023
Latest ratings of treatments
- Rhinoplasty (Dec 2014) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Breast Reduction (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 1/5
- Tummy Tuck (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Injectable Fillers (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2022) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2022) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2022) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2022) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jul 2021) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2015) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 3/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 2/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 1/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 1/5, After care follow-up: 1/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 1/5, Answered questions: 2/5)
- Injectable Fillers (Jun 2020) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Injectable Fillers (Jun 2020) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Injectable Fillers (Jun 2020) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Breast Reduction (Jul 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
- Breast Reduction (Jul 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
- Tummy Tuck (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Tummy Tuck (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Rhinoplasty (Jun 2015) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 3/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 2/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 1/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 1/5, After care follow-up: 1/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 1/5, Answered questions: 2/5)
- Rhinoplasty (Dec 2014) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
Latest Prices
Rhinoplasty Prices
- $6575 – Dec 22, 2014 – Glendale, CA
- $8300 – Jun 16, 2015 – Glendale, CA
- $8300 – Jun 16, 2015 – Glendale, CA
- $6575 – Dec 22, 2014 – Glendale, CA
- $8300 – Jun 16, 2015 – Glendale, CA
- $8300 – Jun 16, 2015 – Glendale, CA
- $8300 – Jun 16, 2015 – Glendale, CA
- $6575 – Dec 22, 2014 – Glendale, CA
Other Prices
- $6575 – Dec 22, 2014 – Glendale, CA
- $6575 – Dec 22, 2014 – Glendale, CA
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
One of my nostrils healed, but the other hasn’t. Please advise?
Go back for a follow up
Aug 9, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
This looks like a superficial infection at the incision line. The yellow/white drainage might be a dissolvable suture your surgeon may have used underneath the surface of the skin in order to hold the wound together. The nose is full of bacteria and often harbors a resistant strain of staph called MERSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus). I would recommend Bactroban (mupirocin) antibiotic ointment twice daily after cleaning. I agree with your surgeon that this will heal. Don’t w…
Rhinoplyma killing self esteem: will laser procedure reduce nose size?
Being raised, educated and trained in Wisconsin I gained a lot of experience with rhinophyma, which is common there.
Aug 9, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
The pictures of your nose are not very clear, and do not show a lot of detail regarding the skin. However, the pictures do seem to show some rosacea of the skin. This really does not look like rhinophyma. Being raised, educated and trained in Wisconsin I gained a lot of experience with rhinophyma, which is common there. Rhinophyma affects men and women and is largely hereditary. Achieving an excellent cosmetic result for rhinophyma often includes a combination of surgery and laser treatments…
Strangely shaped nose, can the bone be fixed with fillers so I can only have surgery for the tip
Not that unusual
Aug 9, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
The shape of your nose is not that unusual in my practice. I often see nasal bones that are separated, like yours, in men and women. It’s called an open roof deformity, and it is often hereditary, caused by nasal trauma, or the result of an unsatisfactory rhinoplasty. In your case, it is impractical to perform surgery only on the nasal tip, and ignore the bony deformity. Remember that surgery requires personal downtime, with some discomfort, and the necessity of an operating room and a…
What are my options to treat the bump on my nose?
Did the injury to the nose cause a fracture?
Aug 8, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
If the injury to the nose did not cause a fracture, but only bruising and black and blue, your bump is probably scar tissue due to bruised and scarred nasal skin. I see this often. I would really need to see and feel this nose in person. However, if there is no other deformity– if the bump is not bony/if it feels like thickened scar tissue– then a steroid injection would help dissolve the bump. Please note; the injection should be done cautiously, and gradually. A very small amount of weak…
Noticeable dimple appeared near tip of nose, will this go away on its own? Why did this happen?
This might a skin problem
Aug 8, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
This appears to be a skin problem (either an injury, a contusion, scratch or pressure point) or an infection (a pimple or cellulitis from hair follicles inside the nose). There appears to be some thinning of the skin creating that dimple. This needs to be evaluated in person. More appropriately, you should be seen by a dermatologist. It does not appear to be a surgical problem. It should be treated medically.
Rhinoplasty – what would you do to improve my nose?
What do YOU want to improve?
Aug 8, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
The more important question is, “what do YOU want to improve in the appearance of your nose?” that’s the question I always begin my rhinoplasty consultations with. Looking at the picture you are a very pretty girl as you are, however, society makes us all strive for perfection. Since you asked for my opinion these are the points I would consider for improvement 1.) The nose is a little long in proportion to the face. I would shorten the nose. 2.) The tip could be better defined, and less …
Do I have a polly beak deformity?
Polybeak deformity
Aug 8, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
A polybeak deformity occurs when the cartilage of the nasal dorsum is not made, even or in proportion, to the bony dorsum of the nose. Polybeak deformity can also occur when the droop of the nasal tip is not completely corrected and the nasal tip continues to droop after rhinoplasty surgery. It is dependent on the surgical techniques used by the surgeon to rotate a droopy tip and keep it in that position. It is also dependent on the strength of the patient smile muscles, and the facial…
Latest Before And After Photos
- Spouse Treated With Upneeq Patient By Dr Susan L. Chobanian, MD, Glendale, California
- Dr Susan L. Chobanian, MD, Glendale, California (91203) Mother Treated With Upneeq Results
- Mother Treated With Upneeq Picture With Doctor Susan L. Chobanian, MD, Glendale, California (91203)
Last updated on 12/03/2023