Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty With Doctor Laith Barnouti, FRACS, Sydney, NSW (02007)

During the consultation, I conducted a computer analysis of the patient's nose. This enabled me to know exactly what she wanted and to give her a clear idea of what she could expect after her rhinoplasty procedure. During the consultation we discussed alterations to her nasal tip, her nasal dorsum, her nasal width, nasal bridge, and her nasal base. I advised her on the different possibilities and the best options to suit her preference.The septo-rhinoplasty operation took two hours to complete and was performed on an outpatient basis under general anaesthesia. Discomfort was minimal and was managed with oral medications and application of ice to reduce swelling in the early post-operative period. After the operation she needed to rest completely for two days. She returned to work after the first week as her job did not involve strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects. (Aug 29, 2014)