Dr Chaffoo Plastic Surgeon La Jolla, California 92037-1217

51 Year Old Man Treated With Hair Transplant Image With Dr Chaffoo, La Jolla, California

This 49 year old San Diego gentleman was displeased with the gradual loss of his frontal hairline over the past several years. He had tried a number of medical treatments with minimal success and desired hair restoration to create a denser and more defined frontal hairline. He underwent FUE hair restoration with the Neograft system with the placement of approximately 1500 grafts to the frontal hairline. His results at one year demonstrate significant improvement and density in his frontal hairline which is now well established, permanent, and natural in appearance. He stated that no one has noticed nor remarked that he has undergone hair restoration surgery, and the results have given him a new found personal confidence in his appearance.

(Sep 6, 2019)