Dr. Tal Dagan, MD, FACS in New York, New York

Doctor Tal Dagan, MD, FACS, New York, New York 39 Year Old Man Treated With Liquid Rhytidectomy Picture

After repeated attempts to deal with the infolding between the brows with Botox, the patient received a treatment with fillers to the area that strengthened the skin surface and took away the folded wrinkles. In addition, the area under the eyes that looked a bit sunken was corrected, modest cheek augmentation was performed with a filler to improve volume and the nasolabial folds were corrected. Finally facial 'photoshop'ing ' was performed on the horizontal wrinkles in the forehead to smooth them out and remove all signs of aging. We had our hair stylist give a new dew and he could not be any happier finally getting rid of the angry brow lines.

(May 22, 2018)