Eyelid surgery cost

Cost for eyelid surgery varies from surgeon to surgeon, state to state and city to city. It also depends on the severity of the patient’s problem and what procedures are needed to correct that patient best.

A rough range is $2500-$3000 for upper alone and $5000-$7500 for upper and lower eyelid surgery. Find a board certified surgeon for an evaluation. Donald R. Nunn MD Atlanta Plastic Surgeon (Donald Nunn, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Upper and lower eyelid costs are different

The average cost a eyelid surgery is around $3000-4000 for the surgeon’s fee. This is for a eyelid lift on both sides, top and bottom lids. When only the upper lid is done, the cost is between $1500 and $2000.

For the lower lids, it ranges from $1300-1800. This does not include the cost of anesthesia or facility charges. This can add approximately $1500 to the total cost.

This fee may be included in a total charge if the Plastic Surgeon has their own surgical facility in their office. So your total charge for a 4-lid blepharoplasty is approximately $4500 to $6000. (David A. Dreyfuss, MD, Orland Park Plastic Surgeon)

Upper blephroplasty costs are usually higher than lower eyelid surgery.

Upper eyelid surgery is commonly done under local anesthesia and therefore the cost is less. Lower eyelid surgery can also be done under local anesthesia but depending on the complexity of the surgery, your surgeon may choose for you to be under general anesthesia which would increase the cost.

There is variability in the surgical cost for different surgeons but price should only be one of the factors in deciding which surgeon you choose.

There is much surgical finesse that is required in obtaining invisible results after eyelid surgery and you should find the most skilled surgeon in your area. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Eyelid Surgery Cost

Surgery costs vary from surgeon to surgeon and state to state. Even within the same city you can find disparate price points for various cosmetic surgery. In general, though, in plastic surgery and many other industries in this world, you get what you pay for.

Most surgeons who have the education and training to perform this delicate surgery the right way, including Board-certified plastic surgeons and occuloplastic surgeons, will charge several thousand dollars for the surgery.

This of course depends on the extent of surgery, upper, lowers, or both, and other factors as well. Remember, when paying for surgery, there are always the 3 fees to consider: surgical, anesthesia, and the facility fee. Make sure that you discuss all of these fees in your consultation so that no surprises hit you along the way.

Eyelid surgery cost in UK

For more information, feel free to read the blogpost I have attached. (Daniel Kaufman, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Prices of Blepharoplasty and Eyelid Surgery

There are many factors which determine price. These include the need for fat grafting, the amount of skin removed, the need for brow suspension or the need to re-anchor the attachments of the eyelid.

In general procedures for the lower eyelid are of significant more recovery and involve much more extensive expertise than the upper eyelid. If a surgeon is experience (and fellowship trained in oculoplastic surgery), I would expect a full lower eyelid procedure to be from $4000 to $6000.

Upper lids may range from $2500 to $4000. (Salvatore Pacella, MD, MBA, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Cost for eyelid surgery

The cost is going to vary depending on where you live and how skilled your surgeon is. Most often, eyelid surgery starts around $3,500 for an upper or lower blepharoplasty. This procedure is often coupled with other facial surgeries such as a face lift or brow lift, which will vary in cost. (Juan A. Brou, MD, Oklahoma City Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of Blepharoplasty

Questions regarding cost are very reasonable and appropriate. It is difficult, though, to provide precise pricing information without an in person examination and consultation. After your consultation, you will receive a detailed written quote containing all pricing information.

Factors that include cost include: surgeon’s fee; facility fee; anesthesia fees.(Anand G. Shah, MD, San Antonio Facial Plastic Surgeon)