Upper Lid Lift Or Brow Lift

Upper blepharoplasty vs. Browlift

One cannot separate or compare one vs. the other. Brow lift and upper blepharoplasty is a continuum of upper facial rejuvenation.

There are two distinct issues: one is brow ptosis and the second is access skin of the upper eyelids. Brow ptosis can exacerbate the look of excess skin over the upper eyelids.

It is important to identify each issue individually. Mistakenly one can remove too much skin from the upper eyelids and cause complications of the eyelid function.

On the flip side you might have minimal amount of skin on the eyelid, but have a severe ptotic brow. In this case, having a blepharoplasty would be a mistake.

In summary, it is important for you to speak with your plastic surgeon to determine which procedure(s) would be most appropriate to address your area of concern. (Alexander Golger, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Bleph vs. Brow Lift

Although these two procedure address concerns regarding eyelid drooping and heavy lids, they are really quite different.

An upper bleph will address the loose, crepey skin that we are prone to with our genetic predisposition as well as the natural aging process.

A bleph can be performed in office under local sedation with an average recovery of 5 to 7 days. A browlift however will address the dropping of the brow that occurs as we age.

Upper blepharoplasty or brow lift image

When the brow drops, it gives the appearance of laxity on the eyelid. When the brow is lifted back to its normal position, the laxity of the lid disappears. A board certified plastic surgeon can provide you with the best surgcial options for your goals. It is imperative that you both communicate cleary in order to ensure that you are achieving the results your require. (Timothy Treece, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Upper blepharoplasty for Skin Laxity, Browlift for Changes in Brow Position

As the face ages, two different aging processes effect the appearance of the upper eyelids. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery will remove the excess skin in the upper lid to decrease the appearance of laxity and hooding. Browlift surgery will raise the brow, which comes down from its ideal position over the upper orbital rim (the bony ridge at the top of the eye socket) with age.

Upper blepharoplasty or brow lift surgery

This will decrease some of the laxity in the upper lid and widen the eye space, providing a more awake look. In determining which procedure will best address aging changes in a given patient, it is important to determine if eyelid laxity is mostly due to drooping eyebrow position or excess skin in the lid itself. Based on this assessment, the best procedure can be detmined by a skillful and experienced surgeon. (Lawrence Bass, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Browlift vs. Upper blepharoplasty: which is better?

The key is in the examination. Your doctor must determine what the primary problem is and if one or two procedures are needed. If you have significant brow ptosis and that in turn is causing your upper eyelid skin to bunch up over your eyes, a brow lift may be all you need. If you hold up your brow and still note a significant amount of redundant upper eyelid skin, a upper blepharoplasty may also be needed.

Upper blepharoplasty or brow lift photos

In most cases the brow lift is performed, then the patient is inspected intraoperatively and any redundant skin is marked and the bleph is performed. (Matheson A. Harris, MD, Salt Lake City Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Brow lift or lid lift

To raise the brow – a brow lift. To smooth lines and balance the brows – Botox To refine the eyes by removing remove excess skin and fat – a lid lift.

Upper blepharoplasty or brow lift recovery photos

A lateral brow lift if only the outer brow has come down. My preference is for a natural look. This usually means eye lid surgery plus Botox and a lateral brow lift. BUT it depends entirely on the look you want.

Discuss your goals with your surgeon while you look in a mirror and show her/him exactly what you have in mind! Best wishes ! (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Browlift vs eyelid surgery for sagging eyelids

Regarding the UPPER lids, strictly speaking, to actually “raise sagging eyelids” you need to have a brow lift – to remove excess skin or fat puffiness in the upper lid- you would need an eyelid surgery.

A brow lift would reposition the brow in a more youthful, arched shape while a Blepharoplasty would shape the eyelid itself. The procedures are not mutually exclusive since many people have elements of brow droopiness (descent and loss of arch) combined with excess upper lid skin and puffiness.

It would be up to you and your plastic surgeon to decide which of these would best address your goals. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Brow Lift and eyelid surgery

In a lot of ways, a browlift goes hand in hand with an upper lid bleph. It is a bit of a yin/yang thing. Lateral upper lid fullness is often sagging lateral brow.

Some patients do not like the hanging skin in their upper lid when often times a brow lift will eliminate what looks like extra. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Browlift or blepharoplasty

There really is not just one best choice. Each procedure has a different goal and your anatomy and goals will decide which one, (or both), are best for you. My advice is to look at many of your surgeons pictures of each to see what you are trying to accomplish. (Dean Fardo, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Brow lift or forehead lift vs. eyelid surgery

These two procedures are often complimentary and not always exclusive. Generally, the eyelid lift handles the excess skin occuring between in the inner and outer corners of the eye (canthi). In lay terms, women often complain that they cannot see their eyeshadow or have the sensation that they eyelid skin rests on their eyelashes. Skin excess occurring outside the outer corner of the eye (lateral canthus) is often better managed with a brow/forehead lift.

We refer to this excess skin as the hooding. In lay terms, this skin is located in the crow’s feet area. When people have excess skin here, it is not uncommonly associated with upper eyelid skin. People unconsciously tend to lift up the extra skin by elevating their brows. This results in many forehead wrinkles. Therefore, forehead lifts are more commonly performed with upper lid lifts rather than vice versa. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Browlift, eyelid surgery, or both for sagging eyelids.

The operation must fit the problem. Most upper lid problems require eyelid surgery but might be enhanced by a browlift if brow ptosis (droopiness) is a contributing factor. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Make sure you review the position of the brow through the years

I agree with many of the comments made by the other surgeons. Deciding whether to have a browlift, blepharoplasty, or a combination of both is a very individual decision that involves your particular anatomy, your aesthetic sense, and the aesthetic sense of your surgeon.

I believe that a browlift can be an excellent procedure when done for the right indications. However, I feel that that are a good number of browlifts that are either overdone, or should not be performed at all.

I’d like to comment on a point that has not be raised in detail. A critical part of the the consultation involves you and your surgeon familiarizing yourselves with how your brow has moved over the years. This is done by reviewing pictures from decades ago. In some people the brow has slowly descended over time. These patients are more likely to benefit from a browlift. Other patients always had a lower brow.

As some other surgeons have commented, fashion magazines are full of beautiful people with relatively low brows. If your brow was always low, a browlift is more likely to give you an outcome that appears unnatural to you. Reviewing old pictures is important for many facial plastic surgeon procedures, but especially so for the browlift. (Paul L. Leong, MD, FACS, Pittsburgh Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Bleph or forehead lift

It all depends. A Bleph will treat the excess skin and fat within the boundaries of the eye socket. Doing a forehead lift, as it will pull on the tissues in the upper eyelid socket, can have an effect on the degree of loose skin but will not replace a Bleph.

At times, a patient might need both done. Also, important to note is that the forehead lift, although it might correct a fold of excess skin of the upper eyelid, can only do so by lifting the brow and enlarging the distance between your eyelashes and the eyebrow.

In some patients, particularly women, that might be desirable, but in others such as men and some women, it can make them look surprised. Proper analysis during a consultation can educate you and which procedure might best benefit your scenario. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Brow lift or Bleph?

The eyebrows can be thought of as a kind of “curtain rod” and the upper lids as a “curtain”. The brows are actually part of the lower forehead, and just below the brows we find the upper eyelid skin.

The brows of some of us are somewhat high and in others quite low. When performing upper eyelid surgery (bleph) there must be adequate space between the lashes of the lids and the lower brows.

So in eyelid rejuvenation surgery, we take into consideration both brows and lids. It is not always an easy decision, as some patients anatomy lies right on the borderline. We do not want to recommend a procedure (forehead lift) that is not necessary for the patient who requests eyelid surgery.

But we also want to do what is necessary in order to obtain the best result for each individual patient. So by raising the “curtain rod” (brows) this actually can actually improve what we do with the “curtain” (eyelid skin).

The pros and cons of both pathways should be fully discussed between surgeon and patient, so that the best decision for can be made on an individual basis. (Donn R. Chatham, MD, Louisville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

To do or not to do – Brow lift or Bleph? Botox?

The surgeon you are consulting should always evaluate your brows relative to your upper lids and discuss this with you. They can demonstrate whether the lids alone, brow alone, or both will benefit you most. Short of a consultation – how can you tell on your own? Here are some clues.

1st question – when you are looking in the mirror trying to decide what look you are seeking, do you find yourself pulling excess skin off your lid, or are you taking a finger and raising your eyebrow to get a look you want? If you’re pulling at skin then a bleph alone may do the trick, if you’re pulling up on the brow then you may need a brow lift. And you may need both.

Next questions – do you find yourself constantly raising your eyebrows, often giving you horizontal brow wrinkles or headaches? If no, then eyelids alone may be enough. If yes, then we have a few more questions:

What do your lids look like when you relax your brow – Do they have lots of skin hanging over the lashes, or can you barely open them only seeing half of your iris? If yes, then you probably need eyelid surgery. Do your lids look ok but there’s now a lot of fullness on the lid that wasn’t there with your brow elevated? If so then you may benefit from a brow lift.

And last – does getting Botox or Dysport help? You may find that Botox or Dysport in the frown and crow’s feet areas provides just enough elevation to the eyebrows to avoid a brow lift for now.

If you think you might not be quite ready for a browlift, try Botox/Dysport 1st. Not only may your brows be in a better position, but getting those injections regularly will slow the rate at which your brows will descend over time. (Andrea Nowonty Hass, MD, Palm Beach Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Browlift versus upper eyelid surgery state of the art

It is difficult without seeing and examining you whether you would benefit more from browlift or upper eyelid surgery. Sometimes you may need both. If your eyebrows are droopy, I would recommend forehead or brow lift first. Then if your upper eyelids still look droopy, you can have them done later.

However, if your surgeons feels that you have both droopy eyebrows and excess skin of your upper eyelids, you may need both, which is commonly the case. (James Tang, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Brow lift vs. upper blepharoplasty

It’s not one procedure vs. the other. They frequently go together as many people require the combination. As is important in medicine, the right diagnosis leads to correct treatment. I always evaluate the percentage of the problem due to drooping brow (ptosis) and upper eyelid laxity.

A falling brow can’t be fixed by blepharoplasty, so if the brow represents a significant proportion of the problem the results will be compromised without adding the brow lift. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Upper blepharoplasty and brow lift state of the art

A brow lift improves just the brow by raising the eyebrows to a more youthful position. Blepharoplasty would remove any sagging eyelid skin that remains.

A browlift is needed if the heaviness over the eyelids is primarily lateral, and if the whole eyebrow has descended in general. A Blepharoplasty primarily deals with excess skin that blunts the eyelid crease.

An incision is made and the excess skin is removed, leaving you with a better defined crease to put makeup on. If you are contemplating having your eyelids done, but don’t know which procedure would work best for you, I would schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Browliftt vs. upper blepharoplasty

The key element in deciding whether one needs a browlift versus a upper blepharoplasty state of the art involves an individualized, comprehensive analysis of the patient’s brow and eyelids. These are the 4 key areas:

  • Specifically, one should look at the level of the eyebrow. If the brow, both centrally and laterally, is in good position meaning it is at or above the forehead frontal bone. I would not consider doing a browlift. I am conservative on doing a browlift unless it is necessary. The most commonly seen is lateral brow sagging which can be corrected by an endoscopic or a temporal browlift.
  • If the problem is mainly extra skin of the upper eyelid with good brow position, then an upper lid blepharoplasty is all that is needed.
  • It is not infrequent that one needs both a brow and an upper lid blepharopasty. This is optimally assessed by putting the brow in the right position and then seeing how much extra skin one has in the upper eyelid area.
  • A mistake that is commonly made is doing a blepharoplasty when a browlift is indicated as well. Specifically, in patients who have significant brow ptosis or sagging in the lateral brows and may also have redundant skin in the upper eyelids.

One should not attempt to remove the skin to correct the brow ptosis because this could lead to significant unsatisfactory results and unhappy patients.

In this case, if a brow is not done then the patient will still have the tired look of the upper eyelids after surgery. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Which procedure is the cure for sagging eyelids?

A brow lift is a wonderful procedure for repositioning a sagging or low brow. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will assess whether or not your sagging eyelids are due to a lower brow or extra skin in the upper eyelids. In some cases, a patient may be a candidate for both procedures. (George John Alexander, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Browlifting vs. Blepharoplasty

This question arises very frequently when patients are looking to enhance the ocular region. These procedures address different issues.

For patients who just have extra or redundant upper lid skin and puffiness a blepharoplasty would be the correct procedure.

For patients who have “heavy” brows which have descended from there normal position a brow lifting would be the appropriate procedure.

Many patients have both a “heavy” descending brow and redundant skin and need both procedures done to obtain the best results.

It is important that your surgeon address both these issues at the time of your evaluation in order to determine which procedures would benefit you the most. (David Freilich, MD, Englewood Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Brow lifting or Blepharoplasty – Choosing the right operation

When desiring rejuvenation of the upper eyelids, a blepharoplasty will make the most difference, but can be enhanced with either an open brow lift or endoscopic brow lifting.

In some rare circumstances, excessive brow ptosis can be the root cause of drooping upper eyelids and only a brow lifting is needed.

You should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine which operation(s) is right for you. In Jacksonville, blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is individualized to each and every patient. Click on the link below to learn more. (Ankit Desai, MD)

Browlifting Vs Blepharoplasty: Depends What You Desire and How You Used to Look Like

The decision between browlifting and blepharoplasty depends on the following factors:

  1. What You Desire: better eyelids and/or better brows? higher, sculpted eyelid crease brow elevation, either at the temple portion or the nasal portion location of incisioncal scar on the brow or within the eyelid itself
  2. How You Used to Look: A older photo of your face is very very useful. One can determine whether sagging is eyelid sagging, brow sagging, or both eyelid and brow sagging All too often upper lid surgery remove too much skin and/or to create an upper eyelid which looks better but does not restore the original look.

At the same time, too many brow lifts also make the brows so much higher than the original look. (George Sun, MD, )

Eyelids or Brow? Make the Right Diagnosis!

With cosmetic surgery, as with any type of surgery, it is important to make the correct diagnosis by examining each patient carefully. If redundancy of the upper eyelids is significantly relieved by conservatively pulling upward on the eyebrows, then brow ptosis (sagging) may be the diagnosis and a brow lifting is the appropriate operation.

If the upper eyelid skin excess is minimally reduced by this maneuver, then the diagnosis is blepharochalasis (excess upper eyelid tissue) and a blepharoplasty should be performed. In many cases both problems are present and both procedures should be suggested. It is important to avoid over-correction with the brow lift to avoid an artificial, surprised appearance after surgery. An overly arched brow is neither youthful nor natural. Most of the lifting should be directed to the lateral portion of the brow. (Bruce E. Genter, MD, FACS, Abington Plastic Surgeon)

Correcting the aging upper eyelid

Is a great question as people are often conused about the propper treatment. The Borw lifting procedure will correct heavy upper lids to some degree, so for people with a low or saggy brow, the browlifting is teh best answer. For people with severe heaviness of the upper lids, the blepharoplasty will give more of a correction.

However, many people will get tehe best result with a conservative browlift and conservative blepharoplasty at the same time (instead of an agressive brow or bleph) and I combine the procedures on about 70 percent of my patients. (Jason B. Diamond, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)