Doctor Paresi in Downers Grove, Illinois

Doctor Paresi, Downers Grove, Illinois (60515) 74 Year Old Mother Treated With Face Lifting Treatment

This is a 73 year-old female who had a short scar facelift using a retrotragal incision, a corset platysmaplasty of the neck, microfat grafting to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and corners of the mouth, bilateral lower blepharoplasties with skin excision via a subciliary incision, and nanofat grafting to bilateral tear trough deformities. The procedure was done under local anesthesia with oral sedation. The patient had correction of her neck laxity and jowls, and restoration of her cheek volume at five months after the procedure. Notice the improvement in her facial shape from a square appearance to a more triangular, youthful appearance. (Apr 20, 2020)