Dr House Menlo Park, California

Doctor House, Menlo Park, California (94025) Man Treated With Facial Fat Transfer

Fat grafting to the face involves a sophisticated process of using your own fat cells to enhance facial volume and restore youthful contours. This offers a natural and long-lasting solution to facial rejuvenation, in place of fillers.

In this procedure, your natural fat is extracted from the lower abdomen, flanks, or thighs using minimally invasive liposuction. The fat is then cleaned, filtered, and reinjected into targeted areas of the face, precisely restoring lost volume and revitalizing facial features.

In some cases, the fat is further processed into “Nanofat.” This involves using very small particles of fat cells, called adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), to improve the appearance and health of the skin. These ADSCs contain various growth factors and other beneficial substances that have the potential to rejuvenate and improve the skin's condition, thereby improving skin quality. This can have several benefits, such as improving skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing skin elasticity, and even reducing scars or stretch marks. It can even be used to address aging of the hands!

Since fat/nanofat uses your own, live cells, there is minimal risk of rejection or adverse reactions, with minimal downtime and quick recovery. The technique not only addresses volume loss but also improves skin texture and facial contour. The procedure takes about an hour and can be done in the office without sedation, allowing you to drive yourself to and from the appointment.

(Oct 26, 2023)